

Nurturing Growth with Natural Resources

Here, amidst nature’s bounty, the seeds of opportunity are sown. Sabah’s strategic location, rich natural resources, and growing demand for processed agricultural products set the stage for a promising venture. With 4 main focus areas; Aquaculture, Horticulture, Seaweed and Halal Food Processing, Sabah has both the infrastructure and the natural resources to support production.


Perfect for Eco-Tourism

High Seafood Consumption

Malaysia has one of the highest seafood consumption rates in Southeast Asia. As our appetite for seafood grows and with fisheries capture declining, aquaculture is increasingly seen as the solution for bridging the gap between supply and demand.

Perfect for Eco-Tourism

Aquaculture Growth

Sabah is ranked as the highest aquaculture producer in Malaysia and second in marine fish landing. We are setting our sights on a grand ambition to increase aquaculture to 50% of total marine production.

Perfect for Eco-Tourism

Caged-Farm Fishing

In partnership with the Malaysian Department of Fisheries, caged farm fishing has burgeoned over the past two decades to be one of Sabah’s favoured aquaculture methods. Nestled along the sheltered coasts and estuaries of the East Coast, Sabah’s aquaculture industry now relies on caged farm fishing to meet escalating demand. Seabass, Golden Snapper, and Grouper are just a few of the highly sought-after fish breeds thriving within these caged farms.


Perfect for Eco-Tourism

Diverse Botanical Heritage

With a wide topography from coasts to peak, Sabah can grow a variety of crops and floriculture, In Tenom Agriculture Park alone, there are 1,050 plant types from 107 plant families.

Sabah’s horticultural focus crops include rice paddy, coconut, pineapple, durian, mango, pomelo and many other fruits.

Perfect for Eco-Tourism

Designated Land

Sabah offers an ideal environment for the development of the horticulture sector, including accessible coastline and river systems throughout the state, all with ideal soil conditions.

With 2 million acres of land allocated for agriculture development, Sabah has room to grow its crops to meet growing demands for sustainable horticulture products.


Perfect for Eco-Tourism

Largest Seaweed-Producing State in Malaysia

Located within the Coral Triangle, Sabah’s coastlines spanning over 2,000km are ideal environments to enable the growth of various seaweed species.

Perfect for Eco-Tourism

High-Demand from Buyers & Processors

From F&B, to cosmetics and wellness, processed seaweed is an essential ingredient across various industries. To meet the high demand from buyers and processors, Euchema is the most cultivated seaweed variety grown in Sabah.

Perfect for Eco-Tourism

Aquaculture Industrial Zone

To support the cultivation of aquaculture, the Sabah government has gazetted 7,500 hectares for seaweed cultivation under the Aquaculture Industrial Zone (AIZ) in addition to the 800 hectares designated previously.

Perfect for Eco-Tourism

Projected Market Growth

As demand for plant-based products grows worldwide. seaweed-based products have been part of the rise in demand. By 2028, it is estimated that the seaweed market will be worth USD$23.2 billion.

Halal Processing

Perfect for Eco-Tourism

40 Years+ Experience

Malaysia has been at the forefront of developing halal standards, attaining global recognition for our halal certification.

Perfect for Eco-Tourism

Designated Halal Industrial Parks

Kota Kinabalu Industrial Parks and Palm Oil Industrial Cluster are Halal Designated Industrial Parks for tenants to enjoy an expedited process to receive halal certification for their products.

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